Zoology in the Middle East Volume 49, 2010 ISSN 0939-7140 Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg Covered in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE). Admitted to ISI Master Journal list and covered by the BioSciences Information Service (Biosis Previews) and Biological Preview (abstract/cover page)s, the Zoological Record and many other review organs. Price per article: Euro 10.00 (plus Euro 2.00 postage/handling) |
Zeynel Arslangündogdu, Max Kasparek, Halil Saribasak, M. Süleyman Kacar, Osman Yöntem, M. Tugrul Sahin
Development of the population of the European Fallow Deer, Dama dama dama (Linnaeus, 1758), in Turkey (Mammalia: Cervidae)
Abstract. In order to conserve the last autochthonous population of the European Fallow Deer, Dama dama dama (Linnaeus, 1758), the Turkish Government began a breeding programme at Düzlerçamı near Antalya in 1966. The programme began with 7 animals and the numbers continuously increased until the mid-1980s, when they reached over 500 animals. However, the population then collapsed until the year 2000 and did not recover. Today it comprises less than 130 individuals. The reasons for the population collapse are not fully understood but are thought to be a combination of several factors related to increasing human pressure such as urbanisation, recreational activities, and poaching. The population is much below the carrying capacity of the area. Attempts to re-introduce Fallow Deer into other areas of Turkey have not been successful but should be further considered as an option to minimise the risk of extinction, as at present the entire gene pool of the Turkish autochthonous population is concentrated at Düzlerçamı.
Key words. Antalya, Düzlerçamı, reintroduction, breeding programme, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 3-12. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Gill Braulik, Omid S. Savadkouhi, Shahrom Fadakar, Hassan Mohammadi, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Randall R. Reeves, M. Bagher Nabavi, Antonio Fernandez
A retrospective investigation of two dolphin mass mortality events in Iran, autumn 2007 (Mammalia: Cetacea)
Abstract. During the autumn of 2007, two mass mortality events involving at least 152 small cetaceans were reported from southern Iran. Both events occurred on the Gulf of Oman coast near the town of Bandar Jask, and were separated by a month in time and more than 170 km in distance. The first event, on 20 September 2007, involved 79 animals, probably all Spinner Dolphins (Stenella longirostris). Dead animals, all exhibiting a similar degree of decomposition, drifted to shore along 13 km of coastline over a period of approximately 24 hours. These circumstances suggest that the mortality was caused by a single acute event at sea. Several carcasses had evidence of traumatic injuries, the stranding event was spatially and temporally coincident with an active fishing ground, and other potentially bycaught and discarded species were found on the beach. This pattern is generally consistent with the hypothesis that the Dolphin mortality was caused by fishing operations, although the available data are insufficient to confirm that hypothesis unequivocally. On 24 October 2007 there was a mass stranding of 73 live Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), a pelagic species believed to be rare in the Gulf of Oman. The most likely explanation for this mass stranding is that the Dolphin group was trapped by a falling tide among the complex sandbanks of the Kangan estuary. Striped Dolphins are not normally found in shallow water or near shore, and their occurrence in this area is considered unusual. The factor or factors that caused them to enter this atypical habitat remain unknown. The two mass mortality events involved different species and exhibited many different characteristics; there is no evidence to suggest that they were linked.
Key words. Mass stranding, Spinner Dolphin, Stenella longirostris, Striped Dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, Iran, Indian Ocean, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 13-26. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Tamer Albayrak, Ali Erdogan
A GIS-based approach to assess the population size of Krüper’s Nuthatch, Sitta krueperi at a newly found breeding area in Inner Anatolia (Aves: Passeriformes)
Abstract. A new breeding area for Krüper’s Nuthatch (Sitta krueperi Pelzeln, 1863) was discovered in the Ak Mountains of Yozgat province of Inner Anatolia in pure Scots Pine (Pinus silvestris) woodland. The average bird density was 1.23±0.85 individuals/km². The Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) was applied for altitude and habitat characteristics of Scots Pine within a raster of 500 x 500 m, and, based on this, a model distribution map was prepared using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Using a HIS-based threshold of more than 0.7 and the area of habitat, we calculated the population size of Krüper’s Nuthatch in the Ak Mountains region as 558 individuals.
Key words. Turkey, GIS, habitat modelling, distribution modelling, Habitat Suitablity Index.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 27-32. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Christoph Randler
Resource partitioning between the breeding migrant Cyprus Wheatear, Oenanthe cypriaca, and the passage migrant Spotted Flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, in Cyprus (Aves: Passeriformes)
Abstract. The foraging behaviour of the passage migrant Spotted Flycatcher, Muscicapa striata (Pallas, 1764), was compared with the breeding migrant Cyprus Wheatear, Oenanthe cypriaca (Homeyer, 1884), in Cyprus during May 2009. M. striata preferred higher perches, had shorter distances to the next perch, made more aerial sallying per minute and less perch-pounce foraging, and showed a higher overall foraging rate per minute. Based on a principal component analysis, M. striata was characterised by high perches and exclusively aerial foraging, while O. cypriaca was characterised by perch-pounce foraging and larger distances to the next perch. Despite some niche overlap, both species differed in some aspects. Six direct encounters between O. cypriaca and M. striata have been observed, and O. cypriaca was always the winner. M. striata showed a higher foraging speed which is in line with observations in resident-migrant bird assemblages in Africa, where migrants also often had a higher foraging speed. By contrast, the breeding species O. cypriaca was more flexible in its foraging strategies.
Key words. Breeder-migrant assemblage, coexistence, foraging mode, resource partitioning.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 33-38. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Salim Y. Al-Mohanna, Preeta George
Assessment of the origin of a Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta, found in Kuwaiti waters, using mitochondrial DNA (Reptilia: Cheloniidae)
Abstract. 306 base pairs from the control (D-loop) region of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of a Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta Linnaeus, 1758, from Kuwait were sequenced in order to identify the origin of this turtle. Neighbour-joining tree analyses with sequences available in the GenBank showed that it had a close relationship with those of the Atlantic colonies. For adult Loggerhead Turtles of the Atlantic colonies which undertake long distance migrations, the southern extension of Africa might be less formidable as a continental barrier to their passage into the Indian Ocean and subsequently into the Arabian area because of their temperate distribution.
Key words. Caretta caretta, mitochondrial DNA, control region haplotype, Kuwait.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 39-44. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Free download
Mehran Loghmani Devin, Parvin Sadeghi
Barnacles on Hawksbill Sea Turtles, Eretmochelys imbricata, in Hormoz Island, Iran (Reptilia: Cheloniidae)
Abstract. The abundances of the epibiotic barnacles Balanus amphitrite Darwin, 1854 and Chelonibia caretta Spengler, 1790 on female Hawksbill Turtles, Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766), are described from Hormoz Island, Iran. Barnacles were more frequent on the carapace (average 31 barnacles/turtle) than on the plastron and head. Significant positive correlations were found between the abundance of barnacles and the size of the turtles (straight carapace length and plastron length) but no correlation was found between the number of barnacles and head length. Habitat and individual physical and behavioural differences of Hawksbill Turtles may affect the abundance of attached barnacles.
Key words. Epibionts, barnacles, Balanus amphitrite, Chelonibia caretta, Hormoz Island, Iran.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 45-48. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Nastaran Heidari, Hamed Cheatsazan, Haji Gholi Kami, Soheila Shafiei
Sexual dimorphism of the Black Rock Agama, Laudakia melanura lirata (Blanford, 1874) (Sauria: Agamidae)
Abstract. Sexual dimorphism in the Black Rock Agama, Laudakia melanura lirata (Blanford, 1874), is described. Fourteen mensural and 9 meristic characters of 12 males and 9 females from Gandu Protected Area, south-east of Iran have been examined. Results show that males have larger bodies and limbs and often more developed callous scales on the midventral and preanal regions. Head size dimorphism was not observed among the examined specimens, but distinct differences in the arrangement of the orbit, nostrils and ear opening between the two sexes was observed. None of the meristic characters differ significantly between the two sexes. According to our results, we assigned the sexual dimorphism in this species to trade-offs between sexual selection and ecological factors which act through the pressure of natural selection.
Key words. Herpetofauna, sexual dimorphism, sexual selection, Iran, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 49-54. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Mehdi Rajabizadeh, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Hiva Faizi, Hamid Bostanchi
New insights in the taxonomy of the Persian Sand Gecko, Tropiocolotes persicus (Nikolsky, 1903) (Sauria: Gekkonidae)
Abstract. Morphological examination of six specimens of Tropiocolotes persicus (Nikolsky, 1903) collected from two new localities in southern Iran has shed new light on the taxonomy of this enigmatic species. Detailed morphological examination of the specimens revealed the presence of ontogenetic change in the dorsal pattern of the specimens. The specimens also show a combination of morphological characters from various subspecies of T. persicus, and raise important questions about their validity. The taxonomy of Tropiocolotes persicus is discussed.
Key words. Taxonomy, morphology, ontogenetic changes, distribution, habitat, Iran, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 55-62. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Nazli Golestani, Sohrab Rezvani Gilkolaei, Roghieh Safari, Sara Reyhani
Population genetic structure of the Silver Pomfret, Pampus argenteus (Euphrasén, 1788), in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman as revealed by microsatellite variation (Osteichthyes: Stromateidae)
Abstract. Microsatellite markers were applied to identify genetically distinct populations of the Silver Pomfret, Pampus argenteus (Euphrasén, 1788), in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. Biological data suggested that Iran, Iraq and Kuwait have one shared stock unit. Genomic DNAs from 125 specimens from five different geographic areas in Iran and Kuwait were extracted and PCR amplification performed. Seven loci with reasonable polymorphism were amplified. The results show that the average of observed heterozygosity was 0.53 while expected heterozygosity was 0.67. After applying the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) test, some loci were found to deviate significantly from HWE in some populations in which deficiency of heterozygotes was apparent. The highest population differentiation was found between the Kuwait and Bushehr (population differentiation value Fst = 0.087, P≤0.01), while it was lowest between Chabahar and Bushehr (Fst = 0.021, P≤0.01). The highest genetic distance was found between Khuzestan and Chabahar (Genetic distance value: 0.269), and the lowest (0.075) between Bushehr and Chabahar. These data provide some new information on the genetic variation and differentiation within the Gulf population of Pampus argenteus and enhance our understanding of the ecology of this commercially important species.
Key words. Population structure, Zobaidy, population decline, microsatellite
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 63-72. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Veysel Kartal, Murat Karavin
Two new species of the genus Bubastia Emeljanov, 1975 from Turkey (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae)
Abstract. Two new species of the planthopper genus Bubastia Emeljanov, 1975 are described: B. (B.) amasica sp. n. and B. (B.) kelkitica sp. n. Both are closely related to Bubastia (B.) thessalica Dlabola, 1980. Keys for species identification are given. Bubastia (B.) ephialtes (Linnavuori, 1971) is recorded from new localities in Turkey.
Key words. Issidae, Bubastia, new species, Turkey.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 73-78. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Thomas Schneider, Jacob Schneider
Occurrence, behaviour, and habitat preference of the Levant Pincertail, Onychogomphus macrodon Selys, 1887 in Turkey (Insecta: Odonata)
Abstract. The current status and distribution of the rare and threatened dragonfly Onychogomphus macrodon (Selys, 1887) was studied in Turkey 2006-2009. Despite an intensive search for the species, it was found only at one locality in the middle course of the Ceyhan river. Other localities in Turkey, from where the species has been reported in the literature which could not be confirmed. The habitat preference of the species is described and observations on the behaviour of both sexes were made. Some morphological details are described and notes on the colour are given. Literature records are summarised and reasons for the decline of this species are discussed.
Key words. Gomphidae, vulnerable species, Ceyhan Nehri, Turkey, distribution, protection.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 79-88. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Thomas Stalling
A new species of ant-loving cricket, Myrmecophilus Berthold, 1827, and comments on M. nigricornis (Chopard, 1963) from the Middle East (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae)
Abstract. A new species of ant-loving cricket, Myrmecophilus orientalis sp. n., is described based on individuals collected in Jordan and material from the collection of the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Genève (MHNG) originating from Turkey. The species was collected at Ajloun in northern Jordan and at Mağaracık in southern Turkey. In Jordan, Messor sp. and Camponotus sp. were found as host ants. The habitat at both places is partly degraded evergreen oak forest (Quercus sp.), partly cultivated with olive groves and crop fields. The adults and the habitat are illustrated. The first record of Myrmecophilus nigricornis Chopard, 1963 for Jordan is also given.
Key words. New species, Myrmecophilinae, Myrmecophilus orientalis, ant guest, Jordan, Turkey.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 89-94. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Wilson R. Lourenço, Ersen A. Yagmur, Bernard Duhem
A new species of Buthus Leach, 1815 from Jordan (Scorpiones: Buthidae)
Abstract. Since the revision of the genus Buthus Leach about a decade ago, several new species have been recorded from North Africa. Only one new species, however, has been described from the Middle East. Another new species, collected in Jordan, is described here. It was collected in the region of Aqaba, in the Wadi Rum Desert. It is associated with Buthus occitanus mardochei var. israelis Shulov & Amitai, 1959, which is raised here to species level based on morphological and geographic grounds. The new species, Buthus amri, is distinguished by its smaller overall size, a smaller number of pectinal teeth, only 9-10 rows of granules on the chela fingers, and a very strong setation on pedipalps, metasomal segments and telson.
Key words. Scorpion, Buthus, new species, Jordan.
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 95-100. | Preview (abstract/cover page) (PDF) | Order article...
Short Communications
Alec B. M. Moore
The Smalleye Stingray Dasyatis microps (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) in the Gulf: previously unreported presence of a large, rare elasmobranch
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 101-103. | Order article...
Malek Ali, Adib Saad, Mohamed Mourad Ben Amor, Christian Capapé
First records of the Honeycomb Stingray, Himantura uarnak (Forskål, 1775), off the Syrian coast (eastern Mediterranean) (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae)
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 104-106. | Order article...
Cem Çevik, Deniz Ergüden, Nazmi Tekelioglu
Confirmation of the presence of the Sea Lamprey, Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758 in the Levantine Sea (Petromyzoniformes: Petromyzonidae)
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 107-108. | Order article...
Fateme Amini Yekta, Aria Ashja Ardalan, Mohammad Reza Shokri
First record of Clypeomorus isselii (Pagenstecher, 1877) (Gastropoda: Cerithiidae) from the Persian Gulf, Iran
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 109-110. | Order article...
Mohammad Ali Akrami
Some genera and species of oribatid mites, new to the fauna of Iran (Acari)
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 111-112. | Order article...
Hakan Demir, Osman Seyyar, Metin Aktas
Peucetia Thorell, 1869 – a genus new for the Turkish spider fauna (Araneae: Oxyopidae)
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 113-114. | Order article...
Alireza Asem, Behrooz Atashbar, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Naser Agh
Morphological and biometric characterisation of rare males and sexual dimorphism in parthenogenetic Artemia (Crustacea: Anostraca)
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 115-117. | Order article...
Cengiz Kocak, Tuncer Katagan, Atakan Sukatar
New records of shallow-water sea spiders (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) from Turkey
Zoology in the Middle East 49, 2010: 118-120. | Order article...
Zoology in the Middle East