Zoology in the Middle East Volume 37, 2006
ISSN 0939-7140 Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg All articles are fully copyright-protected (both print and online versions) Covered in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE). Admitted to ISI Master Journal list and covered by the BioSciences Information Service (Biosis Previews) and Biological Abstracts, the Zoological Record and many other review organs. Price per article: Euro 10.00 (plus Euro 2.00 postage/handling) |
Atilla Arslan
A karyotypic study on the Indian Crested Porcupine, Hystrix indica (Kerr, 1792), in Turkey (Mammalia: Rodentia)
Abstract. A study of two Hystrix indica females revealed that the diploid number of chromosomes (2n) is 66, with a fundamental number (FN) of 116. The number of autosomal arms (NFa) is 112. The X chromosome is metacentric and is the largest.
Key words. Hystrix indica, karyotype, cytogenetics, Turkey, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 5-8
Muhammed Mouradi Gharkheloo
Morphological and karyological peculiarities of Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas, 1773) (Mammalia: Rodentia) in the Zanjan province of Iran
Abstract. The diploid number of chromosomes of Cricetulus migratorius in Zanjan, Iran, was 2n=22, the fundamental number of chromosomes NF=42 and the numbers of chromosomal arms Nfa=38. Based on the positions of the centromere, the autosomes were divided into four groups: the first group contains five pairs of metacentric chromosomes in which one is large compared to the others; the second group contains two pairs of big sub-metacentric, the third group two pairs of sub-telocentric, and the fourth group one pair of small acrocentric chromosomes. The sex chromosomes were isomorphic and small sub-telocentric. The Iranian karyotype thus shows similarity with populations in neighbouring countries regarding the diploid chromosome number, but they are quite different in the fundamental chromosome number and the number of autosomal arms.
Key words. Karyotype, chromosomes, autosomes, Zanjan, Iran, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 9-12
Mozafar Sharifi, Vajihollah Akmali
Postnatal growth in the Lesser Mouse-eared Bat, Myotis blythii, in captivity
Abstract. Postnatal growth of body mass, forearm and the epiphyseal phalangeal gap was studied in three Lesser Mouse-eared bats, Myotis blythii, which were born and reared in a flight cage. The pups at birth had a mean birth body mass of 7.4 g and forearm length of 26.0 mm. At 64 days, mean body mass had reached 94.4% of adult mass (29.3 g) and mean forearm length was 96.1% of adult length (58.6 mm). The length of forearm and body mass increased linearly during the first 3 weeks, and thereafter maintained an apparent stability. The epiphyseal gap of the fourth metacarpal-phalangeal joint increased until 16 days, then decreased linearly until 52 days and thereafter fused. The rate of body mass gain and forearm growth during the first 24 days was 0.8 g/day and 1.32 mm/day respectively. Both asymptotic size of body mass and forearm together with the growth rate of body mass were higher in the captive bats. However, the growth rate of forearm and the rate of closure of the epiphyseal gap in the free-living population were slightly less than in the captive individuals.
Key words. Myotis blythii, postnatal growth, growth curve, metacarpal-phalangeal joint.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 13-20
Haji Gholi Kami, Vida Hojati, Shahrokh Pashaee Rad, Masud Sheidaee
A biological study of the European Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis persica, and the Caspian Pond Turtle, Mauremys caspica caspica, in the Golestan and Mazandaran provinces of Iran
Abstract. The morphology, morphometry, parasitology, diet, reproduction and behaviour of Mauremys caspica caspica and Emys orbicularis persica were compared in northern Iran. In E. orbicularis, the colour of the carapace is dark olive with yellow spots, the bridges between carapace and plastron are cartilaginous and the interabdominal suture is shorter than the interanal suture. Females lay on average 7 eggs per year, which is much less than European populations. In M. caspica, the colour of the carapace is dark olive with yellow stripes, the bridges are bony and the interabdominal suture is longer than the interanal suture. Females lay on average 4-5 eggs per year. The position of the cloacal opening is statistically different between males and females. 91.0% of the morphological characters studied show sexual differences in E. orbicularis, whereas this value is 77.5% in M. caspica.
Key words. Morphology, sexual differences, ecology, Golestan and Mazandaran provinces, Iran, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 21-28
Roberto Sindaco, Gianluca Serra, Michele Menegon
New data on the Syrian herpetofauna, with a newly-recorded species of snake
Abstract. New data on Syrian amphibians and reptiles collected between 1990 and 2004 are given. The most important findings are the Elapid snake Walterinnesia aegyptia, here reported for the first time from Syria; Zamenis hohenackeri and Vipera xanthina, previously known only from Mount Hermon; and the very rare and poorly known Telescopus nigriceps and Lytorhynchus kennedyi. Other species were previously known from only a very few Syrian localities.
Key words. Reptiles, Amphibians, Walterinnesia aegyptia, Zamenis hohenackeri, Vipera xanthina, Syria, faunistics.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 29-38
Hamid Reza Esmaeili, Amir Houshang Shiva
Reproductive biology of the Persian Tooth-carp, Aphanius persicus (Jenkins, 1910) (Cyprinodontidae), in southern Iran
Abstract. Some aspects of the reproductive biology of the Persian Tooth-carp Aphanius persicus, an endemic cyprinodontid fish species from Maharlu Lake basin, Fars province, southern Iran, were studied by regular monthly collections throughout one year. Significant differences were observed between the total number of females and males, females being more abundant. Based on the pattern of the gonado-somatic index and Dobriyal Index, it was concluded that this fish has a prolonged active reproductive period which is a type of adaptation by short-lived small fishes to environmental conditions. Very small fish having mature and hydrated eggs were observed, indicating early sexual maturation. The average egg diameter was 0.53 mm. The absolute and relative fecundity was 115.7 and 90.01 respectively and it was related to fish size (total length and total weight) and also to gonad weight.
Key words. Reproduction, fecundity, gonadosomatic index, Dobriyal Index, spawning, Iran, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 39-46
Maroof A. Khalaf, Fuad A. Al-Horani, Saber A. Al-Rousan, Riyad S. Manasrah
Community structure of the family Pomacentridae along the Jordanian coast, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Abstract. The spatial distribution and community structure of the family Pomacentridae were studied at different depths and sites along the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba in seagrass and coral reef habitats. Sixteen coastal sites along the Jordanian coast were studied by the visual census technique. A total of 151,134 pomacentrid fishes representing 23 species were observed during 188 visual censuses at 96 belt transects, and 4 additional species were observed outside the transect lines. Six species accounted for 85% of all individuals. Results from cluster analysis of the studied sites based on percentage of benthic cover revealed two main groups: the seagrass and the coral reef dominated sites. Fishes were most abundant at 12 m depths in the coral dominated sites, while fewer numbers were found at reef flat and seagrass sites. This was attributed to the shelter, structural complexity and food availability in the coral reef sites. Pomacentrus trichourus and Amphiprion bicinctus were the most common pomacentrid fishes. Teixeirichthys jordani was restricted to the northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba. Multivariate analysis of the pomacentrid community revealed certain associations of fishes with different habitats. Within the large group of coral reef associated fishes we could distinguish the following three groups: a group of species that occur at 12 m deep transects such as Chromis weberi and C. pembae; a group of species that occur only in the reef flat such as Plectroglyphidodon leucozonus and P. lacrymatus; a group of the most dominant and most common species such as Neopomacentrus miryae and Pomacentrus trichourus.
Key words. Damselfishes, fish community, seagrass, coral reefs, distribution, diversity.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 47-62
Ali Reza Mirzajani, Ronald Vonk
Spatial and temporal aspects of the lagoon cockle and its commensal amphipod in the southwestern Caspian Sea
Abstract. Bivalves and amphipods represent the two most species-rich groups of the Caspian Sea invertebrate fauna. This diversification has led to adaptations of which the commensalism of the amphipod Cardiophilus baeri inside the lagoon cockle Cerastoderma glaucum is studied here. Animals were sampled at three depths: at 2, 5, and 10 metres, and in different seasons during 1999 and 2000. To study the influence of the amphipod upon the growth of the lagoon cockle,comparisons were made between shell size, biomass, and the number of individuals for eight different regions where the amphipod Cardiophilus was present and where it was absent.
Key words. Caspian Sea, commensalism, Bivalvia, Cerastoderma glaucum, Crustacea, Amphipoda, Cardiophilus baeri.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 63-72
Jose Luis Nieves-Aldrey, Bruno Massa
Contribution to the knowledge of the Cynipidae (Hymenoptera) of Jordan
Abstract. A first account of the cynipid fauna of Jordan is given. Most samples were collected in the Jordan highlands on Quercus calliprinos Webb., Q. ithaburensis (Decne.) Boiss., and Q. boissieri Reut. 17 species of Cynipidae are listed, all recorded for the first time in this country. The gall of Hedickiana levantina (Hedicke) is illustrated and taxonomic comments are provided on this poorly known species. Taxonomic and biological comments are also given on other interesting species on the list, particularly on Andricus miriami Sternlicht, 1968, a species of uncertain status recorded from Israel.
Key words. Faunistics, gall wasps, inquilines, Hedickiana, Andricus miriami, Quercus.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 73-82
Brian Levey
A preliminary checklist of the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) of Lebanon
Abstract. 84 species of Buprestidae are listed for Lebanon, with a list of material examined or a source for the record. Most of the species are new to Lebanon. The species are tentatively assigned to faunal elements based on their distribution.
Key words. Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Lebanon, checklist, faunal elements.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 83-90
Wilson R. Loureno, Jian-xin Qi
Further considerations on the genus Butheolus Simon, 1882 and description of one new species from Saudi Arabia (Scorpiones: Buthidae)
Abstract. New considerations are put forward regarding the buthid genus Butheolus Simon, 1882, and a new species is described from the region of the Hijaz Southern Plateau, E of Khamis Mushayt in the south-western part of the Arabian Peninsula. With the description of Butheolus arabicus sp. n., two species are now confirmed from this country and the total number of Butheolus species is raised to five. Some additional comments are added as to the validity of the genus Neobuthus.
Key words. Scorpion, Buthidae, Arabia, taxonomy, new species, Butheolus.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 91-98
Rasit Urhan, Yusuf Katilmis, Ayse Oksuz Kahveci
Vertical distribution of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) and some ecological parameters affecting the distribution pattern in south-west Turkey
Abstract. The vertical distribution of oribatid mites and its dependence on ecological parameters such as moisture, pH, temperature, soil pore size, and amount of organic matter was studied in five areas in the Dalaman province of Turkey. A total of 2,737 individuals was obtained, with 35.1% from litter, 24.7% from a depth of 0-5 cm, 26.1% from 5-10 cm, and 14.2% from 10-15 cm. Maximum density was found in litter, minimum density at a depth of 10-15 cm. It was found that the density of oribatid mites was most affected (at a statistically significant level) by soil pH, temperature, pore size and moisture. Soil pH has the highest influence on the number of mites in the soil (P<0.01), and may thus be used as an indicator for monitoring soil pollution and global heating.
Key words. Oribatida, Dalaman, vertical distribution, soil ecology, Turkey, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 99-106
Hassan Ali Akber Saadalla
First record of the freshwater medusa Craspedacusta sp. (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from an artificial lake in Baghdad, Iraq
Abstract. A freshwater medusa of the genus Craspedacusta Lankester, 1880 is recorded in the artificial lake of Baghdad Tourist Island within Baghdad City. This new record is the first one of a freshwater cnidarian in Iraq and extends the geographic range of this genus to SW Asia. A morphological description of the medusa stage is given together with a characterisation of the habitat.
Key words. Medusa, freshwater, limnology, Craspedacusta, artificial lake, Iraq, Middle East.
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 107-110
Short communications
Adwan H. Shehab, Ibrahim H. Mamkhair, Zuhair S. Amr
Remains of the Water Vole, Arvicola terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Microtinae, Rodentia), from north-western Syria
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 111-113
Abdolghasem Khaleghizadeh, Mohammad Javidkar
On the breeding season diet of the Common Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, in Tehran, Iran
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 1113-114
Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Hiwa Faizi
On a collection of the Near Eastern Fire Salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata semenovi (Salamandridae), from Kurdistan Province, Western Iran
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 115-117
Martin Lillig, Gokhan Aydin
Three species of Tenebrionidae new to the Turkish fauna (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Zoology in the Middle East 37, 2006: 118-120
Zoology in the Middle East